Apparently she was in a bunch of other music videos and has small roles in several movies and tv shows. Some how she also had time to graduate college and she was born in '83 so she's 34 now, and looks like this.
I'm assuming because she looks like this her acting career is basically over and she is now a business owner of some candy company in CA. Apparently she greatly enjoys her own product. This is mostly according to Wikipedia, you know how accurate they are, so take it for what it's worth.
So all my journalism professors first at Southern, until I switched majors because the journalism department head who was in charge at this time I was there was a complete dick, and the much nicer more professional ones were at Quinnipiac would be disappointed in me because I buried the lead. For those of you not cool enough to know what that is it means that I didn't start with the most important and interesting information first. So yeah, it did not have to do with bitch face for once...but this time the cops came and I almost got arrested thanks to the ex-wife. Much like bitch face, who is the comedy gift that keeps on giving. I will still write jokes about the ex-wife in here but this is the last time I am going into detail about all this shit with her. Not really sure how I really got to this point with her today but it happened. And the cop showed up and basically yelled at both of us to be mature and work our problems out like adults. God help me I'm trying to be more patient and nice to her but she's just so FUCKING ANNOYING! Ok, last years drama aside, look it up I'm not writing about it again. After all the shitty things that we have said and done to each other I want to move on and be happy. I'm glad you found someone that can put up with your crazy ass but for fucks sake let me move on and find happiness myself. Apparently, it is ok for her to date and fuck whoever she wants but not me. First, you got pregnant last year by some rando and said I had no right to be mad or feel upset because we were never officially together. Well, biotch I was never paying other worker bills or they never asked me to get a room at Mohegan Sun so we could spend the night together. Yeah she'll deny she did all this but she did. Now whenever I hire someone new she's convinced they are there to take her spot and hours, never likes any new person I hire, and does her best from stopping me from communicating with any other girl while she is working. Even ones that I am strictly friends with. Again, she will deny all this but I swear it's true. As I previously wrote why is it ok for you to move on and be happy but you won't let me do the same? But yeah today was a tipping point in the fucked up dynamic between the two of us. I never met someone who made me as shitty, toxic person, until I met the ex-wife but sadly she has made me this way. Was I always a bit of a rude sarcastic asshole? Yes, but I didn't have so much anger or hatred towards people until I became good friends with her and her roommate. Today is a perfect example, all day she is bitching on her phone, because it's not like I pay her to take care of me or anything. To her sister about how annoying, obsessed and in love with her, her roommate is, she even went as far as to blame something really sad and tragic in her life on her roommate. I'm not a doctor so I don't know if it was her roommates fault, but you can't say shit like that and then 2 hours later say, oh by the way, I need my roommates birthday off from work. Ok, you can't say how annoying and obsessed she is with you and how you need her out of your life and then turn around and say of course I'm going to spend her birthday with her she's one of my good friends. Earlier in the day she was literally telling me how her psychologist, because if anyone ever needed one, was about to give up on her and recommend her to a mental health specialist and a life coach. The ex-wife is so crazy she didn't even get what this means! It means your bat-shit-crazy that even a psychologist doesn't want to help you. Why? because you complain and complain and complain and complain and complain about all this shit happening in your life and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to fix or change it. For those of you who don't know that's the textbook definition of insanity. For those of you who didn't take intro to psych in college the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Part of me knows it's my fault for putting up with this and it probably is time to move on for both of us because we are clearly toxic to each other. But it's just sad because I do feel sorry for her and want to help but I can only take so much and no matter how good of friends we used to be and how well we got along it doesn't change all the crazy shit that's happened over the last two years. Like yeah a part of me doesn't want to hire new people because they can always be worse than the ex-wife, for example bitch face. But I think when she's out of my life it will be best for both of us, although it may be a little sad at first.
Oh yeah I forgot to explain why the cops were called. I think it was because when she asked for her roommates birthday off, I said this is why your shrink doesn't want to see you anymore. You literally have complained all day about your roommate and now you want her birthday off? Because that won't make her more obsessed and in love with you. So, she said well I would cut her out of my life but I have no where else to go....first of all lies because you lived on your own when I first knew you and you always used to brag to the new mom that you had so many friends and probably people you were hooking up with to get you a new job/pay your bills, even if I did fire you. So me being the nice person that I am said can't you get the dude you're fucking to pay your rent or you can live with him. She didn't take too kindly to that, not sure why. I guess the truth hurts. And some bullshit about he doesn't help her pay for anything and my question to that was well you must think I'm retarded if I actually believe that. She has literally been raised between her mom and the state system to just use whom ever however she needs to to get by....fuck she's done it to me even though she'll never admit it. I don't care, just own up to it. Stop pretending to be something you're not. The real reason she doesn't want to move is because her roommate is so far up her ass that she doesn't even make her pay rent on the apartment they are living in. Oh and the ex-wife is allegedly 3 months behind on her car payments. I know I'm not one to talk because I have bill collectors calling me around the clock looking for money but what the fuck are you doing with your money? You're not paying rent, you're always about to get your phone shut off because you owe version so much, and you're behind on your car payment? How is this all possible? Oh and lets not forget the fact that every time I offer you an extra shift you turn it down because you are a lazy piece of shit. I hate you I hate you I fucking hate you. And writing all this made me feel a lot better.
In happier news here's a few shows I have coming up! They are not for a while so no excuses why you can't come especially the ones on the weekend, plus it's summer time so lots of you are off work or on summer vacation.
Thursday July 13th @10 pm I'm doing Pat Oates show at Comix at Mohegan Sun. I need to bring at least 5 people and tickets are $11.73 if you purchase them online here. Or $10 at the door the night of the show. For those of you who can't make it, my performance will be on his podcast later that week because him and some of his comedian friends will be critiquing/commenting on my performance that night.
Saturday August 19th @ 5:30 pm at Broadway Comedy Club in NYC. Tickets are $15.76 in advance and can be purchased here plus a two drink minimum inside or $20 at the door plus a two drink minimum inside if any seats are left. It's a Saturday night and you get to go to NYC so no excuses for not coming out to see me especially those of you who haven't seen me perform live yet.
Sunday August 27th @4:30 pm I'm doing Pat Oates show again at Comix at Mohegan Sun. I need to bring at least 5 people and tickets are $11.73 if you purchase them online here. Or $10 at the door the afternoon of the show. For those of you who can't make it, my performance will be on his podcast later that week because him and some of his comedian friends will be critiquing/commenting on my performance that night.
For those of you who come up with more excuses and people who voted for Trump to be president I'm sure I will be getting/adding more shows even if they are open mics so keep an eye on my blog for updated show schedules. Until then I am going to be researching whatever happened to the old man in the 3 Doors down "kryptonite" music video who spent the majority of it running around in his underwear as most old men in 90's music videos did. Ok I couldn't find the actual video of the old man running around in his underwear so here's some stupid performance they did for AOL because that was still a thing in 2008.
Oh and I threw in the recording of my performance last night at the Hartford FunnyBone open mic. So please give it a listen, it's only like 4 mins long.