She's now been helping me for 3 months, so I had to make her write one of these eventually........Seeing as she is as "special" as everyone else that works for me, she might be done writing this by 5am. She types as fast as my dad, and he used his two pointer fingers to type, and only his pointer fingers. He might type faster than her.And he died in 2010! I don't mean to offend anybody with that, so I will say what I always say~ if you are mad at what I write, than don't read it! Anyway, as you previously know, I might have mentioned on here a few times how much I hate people. well, here are a few reasons why....Now I get why Hannah Baker slit her wrists in the bathtub *spoiler alert*. It's been on Netflix for six months. If you assholes haven't seen it by now, what the fuck are you waiting for?
Anyway, according to my worker's logic, apparently it is perfectly fine to take away other people's shifts, but it is not ok to have it done to themselves. I'm not going to use anyone's name or anything for this, but hopefully you will enjoy these stories. The other day one of my workers got mad because I told one of the other girls who is leaving next week for good, that she could work a shift she normally doesn't. Now, before you think I'm a total asshole(which I am), she has been working an unpaid internship all summer, and is getting another one in the fall, and will not be working a paid job for at least six months. Also, the girl who normally has the shift came back out of nowhere and has literally gotten extra shifts every week this summer. In fact, one week I even blew off another worker to give her an extra shift because she rescheduled her jury duty to help me so I felt bad and gave her the shift. So, you would think missing one 9 hour shift, especially when you got extra hours that week, would not be a big deal right? In the words of Paul Heyman "Oh, no, no, no!" It was a big deal. It was a huge fucking deal to the point that President Trump almost needed to call in the National Guard just to keep the peace between the two girls. It got so ridiculous because neither one wanted to give up the shift, so I had to make them call each other to sort it out. They agreed to split the shift, and neither had a problem making me blow off the girl who was suppose to come 5pm to 9pm, because they both got what they wanted.
It gets better though. Apparently the girl who threw A FIT, I mean we are talking Trump on Twitter tweeting about fake news while he most likely is taking a shit type of fit, has no problem taking away other people's hours! My mom got free tickets to a concert at Mohegan Sun next Wednesday. Unfortunately, she told me this in front of she-who-likes-to-steal-hours, and she wanted to take me. I mean I said sure AS LONG AS the two girls who normally work during that time can't or don't want to take me. So when I texted the two people who normally work during that time, while she was here(so it's not like I was hiding it), she got mad since she said she would already take me. Well, according to her logic, those weren't her shifts to take so she shouldn't assume she was taking me. Luckily, for her everyone that works for me is a lazy piece of shit, and those two girls both declined taking me. Of course, even though I said she could take me after that, she said her feelings were hurt, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to take me still. Really, all this over a Phillip Phillips and a Goo Goo Dolls concert? Yeah, seems like it was worth it... For the record, she is still taking me! She was also mad that the creepy Canadian was going to take me to a Bridgeport wrestling show on Sunday. First of all, you were telling me you can't work Sunday because you are going away for the weekend, and second you are always telling me how ghetto, scared, and unsafe you feel in Bridgeport, so I didn't think you would want to take me. The show got cancelled anyways, and you're still going away this weekend, but you are still mad because I wasn't going to take you... That makes total sense. I think you are totally mentally healthy. and that's coming from me!
To top that, there are 3 sisters who work for me. One of them is the wife of somebody I grew up with, and she seems normal, and I haven't had any problems with her.....yet! Her youngest sister I have only met twice, but she seems nice, just really quiet. She only has worked one shift for me by herself, so to save my mom the hassle and less paperwork, I had put her 4 hours on the middle sister's check. Now, being sisters you would think that would be fine, and the nice, normal thing to do would be to pay your sister the $50 I specifically told you was on your check FOR HER....would be paid to her. Text proof will be provided below. To quote Paul Heyman again "Oh, NO,NO,NO!" Yesterday I get a FaceBook message from the youngest sister asking if her paycheck from the 4 hours she worked on July 15th was out with the other checks my mom put out last night. I said "Nope" that money was put on your sister's PREVIOUS paycheck, TWO FUCKING WEEKS AGO....And I told her this when she picked up her check then. I also screenshot the texts where I explained this to her sister, and sent the screenshot to her younger sister. But she said "Oh, mu sister told me that you don't get paid for training, and that's why I didn't get paid." Yes, that is true the first time she came with said sister was an unpaid training session, but NOT the second time when you came by yourself and helped me for 4 hours on your own. Now, I will admit I can be a very ungrateful douchebag, but when your younger sister allows you to live in HER house with her husband, and did I mention the middle sister has a child that lives there too, is kind of an asshole move to steal around $50 from her when your unemployed, broke ass is living with her! I'm not friends with the middle sister on FB and she got all butt hurt one day because she told me she couldn't cover a shift at the last minute because she was too busy swimming in the pool... So I told her "If you can"t help me, at least send me a pic of you at the pool!" and apparently that was TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE! Since she probably won't be working for me much longer after this, that is why I decided to share this!
Finally, as I previously have mentioned people herpes recently popped up again...For those of you not cool enough to know(or haven't been reading my blog long enough-fucking assholes..), people herpes are people who keep popping up in your life no matter how hard you try to get rid of them. The new mom is a perfect example of this. I fired her, legit fired her, I mean faxed the paperwork in and everything, and even sent her a picture of the paperwork. so you would think she would go away. But in the words of Paul Heyman "Oh, NO-NO-NO!" In case you don't know why I fired her, you know she just showed up to work when she felt like it, didn't show up when literally my entire family was in another state, intentionally caused drama between my mom and I, and other workers and I, and you know lied about EVERYTHING...seriously this bitch acted like her husband was still active duty military the whole 7 months she worked for me, when really his ass was sitting in jail for beating her which I can almost understand....please don't take that literally. I don't condone domestic violence, but in this case? She then texted me out of nowhere. I literally haven't talked to her in two months, to say she used MY airline credits from the trip I had planned and then thankfully to Jesus, ALLAH, and Buddah cancelled... Seriously, I was suppose to go with her and bitch face. Imagine what a clusterfuck that would have been! Anyways, she used my airline credit so she could fly to Florida to finalize her divorce from Chief Smack-A-Hoe! But while I'm sure this was bullshit, especially since her husband posted a status on FB the week before saaying he loved his wife...Yes, because nothing says love like threatening to blow up a gas station and splitting her lip by chucking an ash tray at her face. As most classy people do! This is all true by the way, look up the police reports. Anyway, she claimed that her and her mom would pay me back when she got back from Florida. I knew this was total bullshit, but I played along with it. Of course, she has ghosted me since coming back to CT, so I will be sending her mom an oh so sweet FB message, and most likely suing her in small claims court/trying to get on People's Court. As you have witnessed and read about my experiences with Vinny Beedle, Bitch Face, and all the other pieces of shit I have had to deal with since 2005, I literally have no shame and will write/blast anyone on here or social media, even if it makes me look like an asshole. Besides, assholes are always people herpes-ing me so it's about time I did it back to one of them. Until then, enjoy this creepy fucking video I took today, I don't know what's happening in it, but...KILL THEM....KILL THEM ALL!!!
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