Tuesday, February 7, 2017

You can't fix crazy

Sadly I wish I could to get certain people out of my life. But at least it's inspiration for my shirt/stand-up comedian career. You should buy this shirt and help me prevent people herpes. Picture below. Buy one at cripplecreation.com right here

People herpes...people that you think are out of your life but always find a way to pop back up. I thought crazy pot smoking bitch was out of my life but today she decided to reappear in a massive way. I should have known that she was going to she just reemerged like the creature from the black lagoon from Florida late Sunday/ early Monday morning. Apparently I owe her money for 3 nights she worked (but really didn't). Luckily my mom is smart enough to known this and asked me before ignoring her texts. Did I mention the Cheshire police department specifically told her not to contact me or any of my family members and she did anyways, wheels crossed she gets arrested because that will make me piss my pants laughing. Luckily for her the cop that is in charge of our case is on vacation this week. But I know she still has her minions reading this so I just wanted to say hi, to all you crazy bitches. Legit crazy, chick did time in the psych hospital but what do you expect when your dad is schizo and your mom can never leave the house without having an anxiety attack. I'm starting to see why this chick had no chance of not being crazy. Since I don't actually owe her shit, all I can figure is she blew all her money in Florida on drugs and god only knows what else, so she figured she'd hit my mom up for money one more time. My mom won't even give me $20 to get my hair cut, you think she is going to pay you for 35 hours at 13.50 an hour? Perhaps you should check back into that psych hospital.

But then it gets better today. One of my former workers, who ironically is on vacation in Florida right now, asked me when I was going to send her her last check because she hasn't been working for me for a month and still hadn't received it. When I asked my mom, she said the girl had already cashed it. But the girl insisted she hadn't and unlike most of the workers I hire she's pretty normal and trustworthy so I believe her, so I told my mom to call the bank. When she did, apparently somebody named Chris Cammalletti or something similar to that had endorsed it to himself from the girl who was supposed to get the check. Ironically it was cashed yesterday the same day that crazy bitch returned from her Florida vacation. Crazy bitch and this worker also have similar names and as I'll show with the pictures below it looks like a retarded kindergartner signed the check and crazy bitch never graduated high school. Also here is a real signature of the girl that was supposed to get this check and as you can see it looks nothing like her real signature.

My guess is crazy bitch somehow got a hold of this check and probably gave it to a drug dealer she owed money to! Because sure enough when my mom looked up the Chris name it goes back to some guy from Waterbury that's been arrested on a bunch of charges in the past one of them being drug distribution. Shocker and one hell of a coincidence if crazy bitch wasn't involved. But then again Donald Trump became president so then again I guess anything is possible. 

In happier news as you can see at the end of this paragraph just like most other things in life I also suck at bowling now. There was a time I was usually good! What? I always joke I'm a 60 year old man trapped in a 31 year old body. Plus my dad ran a bowling league for disabled kids for ten years so I used to be good, my high score is a 172. And the highest possible score is 300 for those of you not cool enough to know. I'm not sure why the lady working printed it out for us but I'm pretty sure it's because she thought I was MR (mentally retarded)....I mean I know there's a group home that goes bowling every Tuesday night there, and as much as I'm most likely ending up living in one of them I don't actually yet.

Finally it is $200 to rent the hall on May 13th for that show I want to put on in Cheshire. So if I sell tickets at $10 I need to sell at least 20, probably more after renting a mic and speakers to at least break even haha! Most likely I will go for it, I just need the $200 for the rental hall when I go to reserve it, which I don't presently have. Hopefully I will come up with it before that day. Here is a reminder of the upcoming sit-down comedy shows I have;

Tomorrow - 520 whalley avenue in New Haven from 5 pm-7pm and it's free and early so you should come see me! 
Thursday 2-9 and 2-23 (weather permitting) Comix Mohegan Sun at 10 pm and tickets are only $10! 
March 17th Pawactuck VFW in Pawactuck CT at 7 pm and it's free so you assholes better come see me because it's also on Friday night so you have no excuse not too!
March 21st at 7 pm at Dante's Restaurant and Bar in Stratford CT free to get in just have to buy food and drink so please come see me, the food is not even that expensive there!

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