Again these are my opinions, and my opinions alone. I'm not going to personally attack anybody who is friends with, associated with, or engaged too this asshole... But I am gonna rip him a new one! I could get as mean as I did with bitchface, but there's no need to bring relatives, children, or loved ones into it. Theoretically, they did nothing wrong. Although, why they're associated with this piece of shit is beyond me. Maybe he has naked photos or videos of them and is threatening to release them if they disassociate from him. They're probably the same 10 people that come to all his shows for $20 bucks a ticket and leave as soon as he performs.... more on that later. I know if you're related to him it's not your fault, and I actually talked to his dad on the phone, and he's been smart enough to not be part of his life for 10 years. Surprisingly he also sounded like a nice guy, who told me he had three kids, I don't think Vinny Jr. was counted in that total, not surprisingly.
I FUCKING HATE VINNY BEEDLE JR. And apparently, so do a lot of other people.

(I think he was hungry when they took this photo, he looks like he's about to eat the mic)
It's my own fault, one of my comedy friends tried to warn me about him and I was stupid and desperate for stage time, so I wanted to give him a chance despite all the shit talking I heard about him. But c'mon, I mean look at this guy... He looks like a scumbag. I mean, I'm guessing he's jumped in front of cars before just to sue the drivers. Hell, he'd probably jump in front of me in my wheelchair if he thought there'd be money in it for him. He's sexy and he knows it!

I mean red flags should've gone up the first time I performed at one of his "shows". First of all, he asked me at like 3 pm on a Tuesday night in November if I could perform at some random ass restaurant in Waterbury at 7pm. Oh, and did I mention he wanted me to bring FIVE people, and have they pay $20 a ticket?! Then, made me feel like shit for only being able to bring my worker because I was somehow supposed to get five people to come spend $100 in four hours at some hole in the wall restaurant in the dirty Water. Did I mention he also asked me for $20 outside in the parking lot for bringing my worker, who I have to have with me to help me. When I went inside, there was hardly anybody in the restaurant, and his "show" mostly consisted of the other comedians he'd asked to perform. Oh, and did I mention he had no microphone or speakers for the "show". And there was another cripple comedian performing that night too, so not only did this asshole steal money from one cripple, but he stole money from two! Wow, what a classy man. Supposedly, he was looking for people to perform at shows in NYC with him, and possibly film a Netflix pilot with him. Unless this pilot was about about the bastard much less talented son of Hulk Hogan and Rosie O'Donnell, I doubt this was a real thing. As soon as the show was over, he took everyone's money and ran, literally. A lot of the other comedians wanted to talk to him after the show and he was already gone, probably to score some drugs... we were in Waterbury after all.
He asked me the day of some show, he supposedly had in NYC, if I could perform on it. Hello, I'm a cripple, I can't just drop everything to go to New York City, and on top of that, the venue wasn't even wheelchair accessible. So after that, he basically told me to fuck off until he wanted me for something again. Did I mention this asshole works for AT&T and messaged me one time like I was going to buy a phone or DirecTV from him... Hell no you fat piece of shit! And deny it all you want but I have the Facebook messages to prove it! Then I didn't hear from him for a while until right before Christmas of course. Probably needed money for drugs or to buy his daughter, yes, scary thought he has a daughter, those knock off barbie and wrestling figures that are so fucked up they got rejected so they are selling them at the dollar store. Ya know, like instead of a Macho Man Randy Savage action figure, it's a Nacho Man, complete with a nacho weapon. Instead of Barbie, it's Bebe, Barbie's retarded looking cousin. I wish these things existed because I would sadly buy them. But anyway,he told me if I gave him $100 dollars for 10 tickets, I could sell them for $15-$20 a piece at a future show of his that he would let me perform at. If you've read my blog, you know how broke I am. Soo, $100 is a lot of money for me, especially when I had to buy Christmas presents myself. When I hesitated, he then said, and everyone who knows him knows he says this, "Give me $50 now and and $50 later". When I hesitated again, he said okay how about $50, so then I was dumb enough to give it to him. Of course this show never has happened, at first he said he had no money to put on shows because the holidays wiped him out, and I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, now it's half way through April so what's his excuse now? The final straw for me though was when he started posting all over social media looking for comedians to perform at his shows. Do you think he asked me to perform at any of them, when I know they were wheelchair accessible venues, and he still knew that he owed me? Of course not, so then I blasted him on Facebook, and do you think despite all the times he acted like he was going to refund my money, that he actually has? No.. that $50 was snorted up a long time ago. Hopefully he used a $50 dollar bill to snort the drugs.
It gets better though, I had a show with him at Cabot Comedy Club in Chicopee Mass last night. Of course he avoided me like the plague, because he's chicken shit, and was afraid I would embarrass him in front of everyone, which I should have. No, mostly it's because he tried to message me earlier this week, and I purposely ignored him because he still wanted to "work something out". Here's a solution, refund my fucking money, and the $100 I lost out on for not being able to sell tickets. Then to show you what a selfish piece of shit he is, him and all of his friend left as soon as he was done performing last night, when everyone else stayed until the end of the show. Cause ya know, that's what common courtesy is. Also, for some reason, he decided to end his set with this great joke, which he was secretly using to brag about how great he is while offending everybody in the room. He said how he's been performing comedy for seven years, if you count his mom's kitchen I guess that's true. He finally was starting to get shows in NYC, and the comedians there were tough, telling him he was only "Connecticut Funny", not quite " New York Funny" yet. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the people that told him this only exist in his head! Anyway, the great punch line was something like, "I might only be Connecticut funny but at least it's better than Massachusetts funny". Yeah, even the host made fun of him for ending his set that way, and for leaving early with all his people that were paid to be there, I mean friends! Again, I don't feel bad for any of this. I have been to multiple shows where multiple comedians have made fun of/ talked mad shit about him, at least I have the balls to write it here, and I'll happily say it to your face. I shit you not, there is a Facebook group I am apart of that has multiple posts over multiple weekends with jokes about/making fun of this fat piece of shit! That's why I'm suing him in Small Claims Court, if anyone knows where this asshole lives, I need the address, all his dad could tell me was last he knew he lived in Meriden. Yeah, It's a stupid case, and yeah I might not win, but somebody needs to teach this fucker a lesson. Even if I don't win a dime from him, if I can ruin his comedy "career" of at least get him to stop scamming people, it'll be worth it to me.
One last story about this asshole, I contacted all those TV court shows about this case, and Judge Mathis producers contacted me about possibly being on. Knowing how selfish and attention seeking he is, I flat out asked him his address so that way I could serve him the court papers, but he was dumb enough/ delusional to think I was just trying to get it so we could be on TV. Well fuck Judge Mathis because they never contacted me back, apparently they don't want to deal with this future Chris Bennoit either.. Yeah, I stole that joke from someone. But he was actually considering going on when I told him there was money involved, but he didn't want to look bad, well sir that ship has already sailed! Since he looks like, and his last name sounds like Beetlejuice, any chance if I say his name three times, instead of appearing he will disappear? You can't see but I just dropped the mic!!!
This leads to me finally explaining how I made the internet hate me last week... You see, go back to my post about the comedian Vinny Beedle ripping me off. Due to this, I have decided to sue him in small claims court. Over dramatic maybe, but he’s highly disliked in the New England Comedy World. Because he has ripped off a lot of people in the real world and comedy world! Did I mention he has ripped off two of my other friends, one of them mentally disabled..? So yeah he’s a great guy! Now despite knowing this, better established comedians do nothing to stop him from ripping off new ignorant comedians like myself, so I felt the need to do something about it. However, I am also doing a charity fundraiser in June for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, because if you live in a fucking box or voted for Trump I hope by now you know I have a type of Muscular Dystrophy, and I’m trying to raise $500 by June 3rd. Believe it or not I hate asking people for money and after I did a go fund me to go to Vegas for my 30th birthday, I don’t really like asking people to give money for nothing… So I figured I’d make these hilarious shirts!

Well apparently just like Kim Kardashian’s ass, I broke the internet! First people didn’t get the joke when I wrote I was going to use the money from the shirts to fight off Vinny Beedles counter suit. Did I mention he is threatening to counter sue for slander?!? Now comedy people that know him hopefully you’ve gotten off the floor after reading that and keep reading. I mean if you don’t have any character to begin with can you really sue me for damaging it? The best part is he’s claiming that he is taking pictures of everything I am writing about him, and sending them to his lawyer. I’m assuming his lawyer is either Lionel Hutz or Saul Goodman, look it up assholes, but if he really does try to sue me assuming the judge doesn’t laugh him out of court, he’s not going to get very far. I mean I’m 20 grand in debt with no job. Bill collectors call me every day and I still live with my mom. You’re not getting any money from me buddy. Plus a good lawyer costs about $500 an hour. Now considering you ripped off a cripple for 50 dollars, a mentally disabled guy for 150 dollars, and Pat Oates who might as well be mentally disabled out of 200 dollars…. Just kidding Pat, you gave me my first break in comedy. I don’t think you have that kind of money to hire that kind of lawyer! Plus you know, I have convos with several people you have ripped off, and your criminal record on file to show what a shining star you are! Did I mention he told my mentally disable friend he will only be his friend again if he pays him money because the guy told me how Vinny ripped him off too. Like a typical bully he thinks if threatens and yells at me enough ill back down. Don’t worry guys, if by some miracle I win the case against him, and he pays up, which I highly doubt, I’ll give you the money he owes you! But yeah anyway back to the original point, AND LET ME MAKE THIS CRYSTAL CLEAR, the shirt money is going to MDA for the walk I’m doing on June 3rd because I thought it was a funny way to raise awareness and give people something for their money, and at the same time they are donating to a great charity. It is NOT going to fight some bullshit counter suit that will probably never happen anyways.
Then you know people said I wasn’t being respectful of my comedy elders. Oh, that’s funny I didn’t know I was supposed to be nice to people that made jokes about my legs and penis not working… yeah they can say that they were joking, and yeah comedians are cynical assholes, but some if not most were saying it to be hurtful and rude! I’m not ripping on Vinny because he’s a great guy who takes his grandma to church every Sunday; at best he’s a con man who preys on people who are weaker than him! He’s a sketchy asshole and making fun of him to try and raise money for MDA somehow makes me an attention seeking fame whore then so be it! Yeah I mean I tried to get the case on Judge Mathis because I thought it would be funny to fight it out with him on TV. I hate to say it but any comedian who says they are above doing any TV/ internet/ radio for money because it will ruin their comedy street cred is so full of shit they should borrow some of Gimpy’s laxatives. Thos of you who don’t know, Gimpy abuses pain killers and can’t take a shit because of it.. Oh the classy bitches I hire! I know a comedian who went on TLC for 50 bucks and pretended his mom died, and does radio shows once a month and I know a female comedian who’s on the radio once a week and no one shits on them for doing that because they’re comedy Veterans. Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not knocking them, I would do all that in a heartbeat too, but don’t shit on me for wanting to go on Judge Mathis and insulting comedy “veterans” who are purposely are being rude and hurtful to me by telling me jokes that the rich asshole kids in Cheshire told me. You know when I was in high school 15 years ago, it wasn’t funny then, and it sure as fuck isn’t funny coming from a married guy with three kids who tells poop jokes at Pizza Hut on the weekend, while his wife screws the mailman, and his kids do drugs in their bedroom. He has to drive a bus to support those four ungrateful assholes during the week just to make ends meet. Whoa, I got a little off track there, but the point is I’m not going to kiss the ass of a 10 year CT Comedy Veteran, who I have done shows with at least three times. Despite what he says to the contrary when not only does he not talk to me every time he sees me on his show, but also sits in the corner with his cronies shit talking everyone else during the show, and has gone above and beyond to be a dick to me for no reason. Yeah fuck that guy, I said as much in the show I did Monday I wish my piece of shit phones didn’t cut it off! I pay hot bitches $50 to drive me around and wipe my ass. You get paid $50 to perform at Pizza Bar in West Virginia and have to beg people on Facebook to drive your broke fat ass there! Now that everyone hates me again, one last thing about Vinny
I have reached out to him telling him ill drop the suit if he just gives me and my friends their money back… of course he just ignored these requests or just threatened and yelled at me. Until Monday night when I was performing in New Haven I received these lovely Facebook messages:
Hahaha I pissed my pants laughing… notice how he makes it seem like he’s doing me a favor? Does this delusional wigger fat fuck really think I want to do a show with him ever again, especially after everything that has happened? Still I tried to be nice and tell him give me the money back and then I’ll believe you and drop the suit… Notice how he hasn’t said anything since that. This is what happens when I try to be nice people! Anyway, if you want to buy a shirt to piss this fat fuck off, and donate to MDA please click here ...I need to get at least 20 sold by May 15th to get them made. Please I want a group of people to wear them to one of his shows!
Since I made the internet hate me the real question is: Do I show up to the show I was thrown off of tomorrow just to make everyone uncomfortable… considering that and a two day ban from a CT Comedy Facebook group is all I got I guess I’ll take it
Please contact me I had the same bad experience thanks