Anyway I was watching this docu-series on Netflix called "Last Chance University" it's about a junior college football program in Mississippi that basically builds a stacked team every season with guys that either have a criminal history or poor grades or lost their starting job at a top college football program so guys go there for two years to try ad work their way into a better college football program. Putting a group of 50-75 guys who are between the age of 18 and 21 together who all have troubled pasts and mostly come from troubled areas with troubled families, what could possibly go wrong? Just about everything you can think of and more. First of all, the head coach is a fat ass hole who pretends he cares about these guys but the second they cant play for him anymore I doubt he give two flying fucks about what happens to him unless they are one of his success stories. In one of the episodes he literally gets into a fist fight with a referee and gets suspended for two games. Later on in the series his entire team gets into a brawl with another team and he says how stupid and ghetto and thuggish they are. Um hello you're the one recruiting troubled youth to your football team because you want to win so badly. On top of that it is okay for you to fight a referee on the sidelines but they can't fight a team that is literally stomping one of their players into the ground? Maybe if it wasn't 48-0 and you called two times outs with a minute left in the first half, the other team wouldn't have started beating the crap out of your team. Great leader of troubled young men this guy is. Of course he still has his job despite fighting a referee, running up scores, allowing his team to brawl with another team so they had to forfeit the rest of their season, and basically use a bunch of derogatory terms for African Americans, which mostly made up that team, but yup he still has a job because it's Mississippi and he wins. This is why Donald Trump will be our next president!
Then there is the creepy academic advisor lady. She pretends to care about these kids too but she is basically a paid babysitter. Her job, I am not kidding, is to make sure these kids do their homework, don't have more than 4 absences from 1 class and "tutor" them. Besides the fact that every time she was on I got this grossed out feeling because I felt like she was either flirting with or screwing half that team, she helped half these guys get away with murder. See in order to play Division I football students have to have a 2.5 GPA in a certain amount of classes. Somehow these guys still passed when they had 4 absences in the first month of the semester while taking such difficult classes as human development, English, comp, and some type of life skills class. My dad worked with developmentally disabled people and they took harder classes and did better than them. Also, I thought the classes I took where I got to watch episodes of The Office, Family Guy, and 1 entire class just about the show Six Feet Under was a waste of time. This one player literally had over 20 tests and quizzes to make up and somehow was eligible to play the whole season and still got a scholarship to a Division I school as long as he graduated in May which I think he did. When I went to SCSU I failed two classes and got a D in another and nobody felt bad for me or bent over backwards to help me pass. I guess cause I can't catch a ball or run down a field fast. These are important life skills and you know what the best part is? My GPA at SCSU was still higher than a 2.5 and these fuckers only have a GPA of 2.5 to keep over four semesters. It's so hard playing football and getting a free education I feel so sorry for them. Oh wait, no I don't. And this is why Donald Trump will be our next president!
Then there was the players themselves. I never seen a bigger bunch of cry babies who are supposed to be grown ass men on the verge of making it to a top college football program if not the NFL. Besides the fact that it was a joke that they are considered students when they are only there to help the football team, I am pretty sure all the guys they focused on were drunk, high, barely literate or all three. One guy even had the balls to say while the cameras were still on to a college recruiter that he would only go to his school if he bribed him with a bunch of gifts. I don't know what was funnier, the fact that he was dumb enough to say that in front of a camera, or the fact that the recruiter pretended like his school doesn't do that. Dude there are more NCAA athletic violations for bribing athletes every season then money I have lost at the casino...and that's saying something. Then every time one of the players had to sit out with an injury or lost their starting job they would throw a temper tantrum, threaten to pack their stuff up and go home. Go home to what? This one guy lived in a neighborhood where there were drive by shootings every weekend and the top high school recruit from his home town died in a drug deal gone bad. Yeah I think I would stay in Mississippi getting my free education and college degree rather then return home to that, even if my football career ended there. Then there was the back up quarterback, he was the most brilliant of all. First of all, his name was Wyatt Roberts, really is there a more perfect name for a quarterback in a college in Mississippi. First he was mad because his whole first season there he had to serve as a backup to Jim Kelly's nephew. Oh yeah, if a guy is a relative of a hall of fame quarterback you are probably not going to start over him. Then he wins the job over a guy that transferred from Florida State but gets hurt. While he is hurt and before the team brawl, the guy from Florida State has a great game and gets recruited to Auburn, another top college football program. Wyatt being the genius that he is turns down scholarship offers to play football at Division II schools, yeah you probably wont get to the NFL there but you get a free education and are able to play football for two more years. Instead, he decides to quit football and become a full time student at Mississippi State. At least he is finishing college, but why would you give up a free education and two more years of playing football because of your pride? This is why Donald Trump will be our next president.
Finally, I know wrestling is fake but I like it anyways and I like trying to figure out whats going to happen. Most recently, a wrestler named Roman Reigns failed a drug test for WWE. He was suspended for 30 days and not allowed to appear on TV or at any shows during that time. Rumor has it the drug he tested positive for was Adderal. Not condoing the fact that he did it, but there is a lot worse drugs you could test positive for. Now another wrestler, who is way more famous and is also a UFC fighter named Brock Lesnar recently fought his first UFC fight in 5 years last month and won. After the match all the talked about was how dominant he was after a 5 year broke and WWE used it to promote his appearance at SummerSlam later this month. See Brock Lesnar is allowed to fight for WWE basically whenever he feels like it because he is also a recognizable name outside of WWE so they'll take him whenever they can get him. Now after his dominant UFC fight win that WWE was bragging about so much turns out he tested positive for steroids in his pre-fight drug test. He says it was because of an asthma medication he takes, but if thats true, then I also won the Australian lottery and now I have to get a Nigerian prince my bank account information. So of course now WWE does not talk about how he failed this test or how he won the UFC fight. But do you think he got suspended for 30 days? Hell no, his fight is still scheduled for Summerslam and he has been appearing all over TV for WWE and at their shows leading up to it. And this is why Donald Trump will be our next President!
"I get no respect, no respect I tell ya"
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