So the Cheshire PD just left my house. Sadly, I wish I was kidding but I'm not. Why? Over a fucking Firestick, I shit you not, a fucking Firestick. You see, the worker I made fun of in my last post, only wanted to smoke pot and sleep, and apparently took offense to the fact that I wrote that despite it being true and told me she quit on Saturday. Despite efforts from myself and two other workers, she would not come back. Not only would she not come back, but she demanded I give her back the Amazon Firestick she got me for Christmas, and a $2 tub of hair gel. I bought her clothes, underwear, video games for her brother, a stereo system for her car, and she got a Christmas Bonus from my mom as well as money from me. Did I ask her for any of that back after she quit, and left my mom to take care of me for 16 hours Sunday night... Hell no! The best part is, I got into a fight with her about a month ago offering to give her the Firestick back then, and she insisted that I keep it. She said her dad would fight with her and ask for his gifts back that he gave her, but she didn't want to be petty like him. Well seems like you're being awful fucking petty right now! Not only did I tell her not to come to my house or the police would be called, but so did one of my workers. Despite this, she still insisted she was coming here tomorrow to get her Firestick. Part of me hopes she does, because now that the police were here, she will get arrested if she shows up. At the 1% chance she does get it, I'm licking it and putting it in my cats litter box tonight. She probably will show up tomorrow anyways. You and your father don't have a history in the psych ward for no reason. Even her mom told her to stop working because she can collect disability for mental illness. Even though her family is living in section 8 housing commiting fraud because it's only supposed to be her, her mom, and her brother living there but her dad lives there undocumented, dealing drugs out of the house with a bunch of illegally registered cars in the driveway. Oh yeah, did I also mention he collects disability but works even though your not supposed too if you're on it. Basically this family is a big bunch of winners. The autistic brother is the lucky one because he's not aware of all the fucked up shit going on around him! Just so I have proof, here is the text I sent her specifically telling her to stay away from my house. Also, here is a collage of photos of her doing drugs. Her Instagram name is on there, feel free to follow her, its all public! And the creepier you are, the better, I mean fuck, if she jerked me off and sent me nude photos for money, I can only imagine the shit she will do for you.
The best part is I made a status about her the other day, and her friend decided to rat me out and show it to her. So today, I made sure to tag that friend in another status with a collage of her doing drugs. Her friend then messaged me this on Facebook:
If you're so professional, then why do you and your husband do more drugs than Cynthia does? And uh, I don't know, maybe don't put it on social media if you're trying to hide it from your clients. I mean your supposed best friend Cynthia is the one that told me that you and your husband and Gimpy all have coke problems, and I'm not talking about Soda! How the fuck else would I know this? What a group of friends that group is. No wonder your friends are all dying of drug overdoses and thanks to Gimpy, I know your husband is an abusive coke head, and you're too much of a coward to leave despite your father almost beating the shit out of him and refusing to pay for your wedding. Have fun bringing children into that love filled marriage(heavy sarcasm) according to Cynthia, you want to divorce him and it hasn't even been a year. They got married on 9/11, how fucking appropriate. Sadly, you probably never will leave him and you'll have two or three kids to try and get him to turn around and save your miserable marriage. Not realizing, you're just going to make it worse, and he will probably start beating the shit out of you and your children. But who knows, alot of this projecting I'm doing is according to information also supplied by Gimpy, so who knows how true this is because I found out she's a pathological liar. I should've been suspicious when she told me Julian Edelman wanted to date her, that guy dates Victoria's Secret Models. He ain't dating you and your coke sniffing ass that's missing half a foot. Yes I know I'm a cripple so its ironic coming from me, but I'm smart enough to know and not pretend that Adriana Lima wants to date me. Holy fuck where do I find these bitches and their friends. I thought I was crazy, but they make me feel better about my own life. I swear to fucking God, If I could drive myself to Florida and never come back, I would. I'm tired of the drama with all of my workers and everyone thinking I'm a raging asshole. Newsflash I don't give a fuck who hates me, and I damn sure don't care what people in CT think about me. When I go to Orlando in April, or later this year... because after all this I'm fucking going just for the sake of my own sanity, I'm probably not coming back. Even if I commit myself to a psych hospital or nursing home that takes shitty care of me.