Monday, June 13, 2016

Asian Spoon World Tour

This is the beautiful new shirt that I made for myself and will eventually buy.

I know none of you simple minded folks get it. See what happened was back in my days of pretending to be Lip Gallagher from the Showtime show Shameless or at least the actor who played him on Twitter a "fan" asked me to send a picture of him holding a spoon. Well, the best I could come up with when I searched for it on Google images was a picture of an Asian lady holding a spoon. Why this came up when I was searching Lip Gallagher holding a spoon on Shameless I have no idea. But when the mom and I went to save the image I named it Asian Spoon and she thought it would be a great name for a band. I then made a status on facebook asking if anyone wanted to join the new band I was starting called Asian Spoon and that I would be playing the triangle, blowing into empty jugs and ramming a gong with my chair. Well one of my friends thought I was serious and wanted to play whatever instrument he wanted to play in the band. Hopefully I didn't break his heart but I'm not sure how he thought I was starting a band when I can't even move my arms. By the way all the names on the back of that shirt are actual names of towns in the USA. And back by popular demand fresh off their record shattering world tour comes Asian Spoon tour t-shirts. If you are not smart or cool enough to know who the mudcrutches are then sucks to be you. Seriously I cannot wait to wear this shirt and have random people/ workers ask me who Asian Spoon is? My response will be WTF is wrong with you??? You don't know who Asian Spoon is??? And then I can laugh to myself when the person says oh do they sing that song and I can lie and say yes and laugh to myself because I know they are just lying to sound cool.

I went to Mohegan Sun last night and before people bitch I had free concert tickets and a free room. I actually had a pretty sweet view from my room... here is a picture.

I went and saw Peter Frampton, who still sounds good and can play guitar like few others despite being old as hell haa. Or at least he looks old as hell. Seriously look up Frampton Comes Alive album cover and then look up what he looks like now. For those that don't know an album is what music used to come on before CDS and for those who don't know what a CD is press your call button and I will come hit you over the head with a hammer and knock you out because you are a retarrrrrrrddd. But seriously I guarantee your parents if not your grandparents have a copy of that album because pretty much everyone who was alive then bought a copy of it. I was just impressed that I went with awkward turtle and she actually knew one of his songs! Seriously this girl didn't even know what Saved By The Bell was so I'm surprised she knew any of his songs. The highlight of the trip though was seeing a guy being dragged out of the casino in handcuffs with four cops around him.  I don't know what he did but I'm just happy it wasn't me being arrested and dragged out of the casino because that place makes me so angry.

Speaking of angry the Wife did her usual not show up for work once a week on Saturday. Wish I or any of my other workers were surprised but we are pretty used to it at this point. That's okay on Thursday I am going to have Big Boobs Mcgee show up at 3:30 so when the wife shows up at 4 for her shift I won't be around and when she tries to get a hold of me she won't be able to just like she always ignores me on her phone. Don't worry she won't read this because if it's not on her phone or in front of her face she won't even know it exists. There are two types of people that work for me, ones that actually want to help me because they are nice, and ones that help me so they can hear other people tell them how nice they are. The wife likes to think shes the first kind but I hate to break it to you toots you are the second kind! But thanks to her I got drunk on Saturday worse then Vegas black out drunk. I drank half a bottle of Captain Morgan, no not straight up, I am classier than that so I mixed it with coke zero. What? I have diabetes so I had to be healthy about my black out drunk. Apparently I snapped chatted and texted pretty much every contact in my phone a bunch of random garbage but hey I have no clue wtf I said. Sooo oh well. The only thing I felt bad for was pissing my pants, shirt and bed and then having the Creepy Canadian have to clean it up. At least I didn't tell her she was a bitch with no friends and that everyone was going to hate her at her new job like I did to my worker in Vegas who for some reason was looking to fly home early that weekend.

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