Sunday, February 26, 2017

Cripple Criminal

So last night was one of the more interesting nights of my life. I almost went to jail. The fucked up part is I didn't even care. Honestly, it would've been worth it to me. But the only thing I felt bad for, was that they were threatening to take my worker in if bitchface wanted to press charges, or so they say. Me thinks they full of shit! When they arrived at my house, you could practically see a cloud of smoke after I told them to either arrest me or get out of my house. Yes, I really said that. I'm not scared or intimidated by anybody. Where to begin with my hatred this time! There is just so many people I want to direct it towards.

First, of course I would like to direct it towards bitchface. Yeah, I was immature and had a bunch of food delivered to her house, and posted her address and phone number on craigslist with a free ad for a top of the line sears washer and dryer. And sure, the food showed up, along with her phone being blown up by assholes wanting the washer and dryer, because I said to call anytime any day. Yes, the only reason I took it down is because the cops basically said my worker that helped me write it would be arrested if I didn't. Technically, I'm the one who told her what to write. And second of all, good luck proving who was working that night. Plus the cops also informed us that bitchface said I write harassing blog posts about her and they would be monitoring what I write. So first of all I'd like to say hi to the pigs at Cheshire and Berlin PD! That's right, I had cops from two towns at my house cause I keep it classy. Second, they're not harassing, they are just facts, and I can prove they are facts. Third, even though President Trump is trying to get rid of it, there's a little thing called the first amendment, which gives me the right to say and write anything I want! So here is some facts for you, bitchface is thetown bicycle of Berlin, everyone has had a ride, and the best part is she tells people she's only been with five dudes. Maybe she meant for the month of January 2017, cause that aint for your lifetime. And if anyone is dumb enough to believe that, I have some land in a swamp in Florida to sell you! Plus she and her father both deal drugs out of their section 8 house in Berlin. I keep trying to tell the cops this but they don't seem to believe me, even though bitchface and her father both have records, psychiatric and criminal. Plus, as previously mentioned, and I'll remind you here, her parents aren't technically married so therefore her father is not supposed to be living in that section 8 house with them, but he does. Also, he collects social security because he's so fucking nuts that he qualifies, still works under the table jobs...which you're not supposed to do when you collect social security. I'm on it I would know! Yeah so one time bitchface told me he tried to strangle her to death, too bad he failed. He would've done the world a favor and he would be where he belongs, in prison. Hey bitchface, I know you're still reading this because you have nothing better to do then smoke weed and sit on your couch and fuck guys all day for money, and girls sometimes too allegedly... but we all know it's true. By the way, all this stuff I wrote is alleged, or so I'll say because that's how you can talk shit about people and get away with it. Thank you Quinnipiac Journalism Grad Program for teaching me something. Mom, you didn't waste that 50 grand. Stuff I learned in there and high school is probably what kept me out of jail last night. Plus I watch way too much Law and Order and How To Get Away With Murder... and that one time I wanted to be a lawyer, until I realized what a fat lazy piece of shit I am and that, ya know, it would require hard work.

And the other people that pissed me off last night where the cops themselves. You would think with all the bad publicity they've been getting that they might not want to be dicks to a disabled man... but oh no, why would that stop them?! I live by a very simple rule. I treat you, as you treat me, no matter what I've heard about you or how I feel about you. Living here my whole life, I know most of the cops are assholes. For the record I am not saying they all are, just most. But I would be too if I had to deal with annoying ass people that live in my town. That being said, Cheshire cop shows up to my house last night with a Berlin cop. First of all it was 4:40 am on a Sunday morning, and you just show up ringing my doorbell, knocking loudly, and shining your bright ass flashlights in my windows. It tax season and my mom works 80 hours a week assholes. You're lucky you didn't wake her up or I would've been even more of a dick. And to top it off you came into MY HOUSE with a attitude like you're better than me, and if there's one thing you want to do to trigger Tyshawn(My crazy alter ego), is coming up to me like you're better than me. I'm not excusing the immature prank I played, and sure I lied to try to avoid a more annoying situation, but he was such an asshole. I tried to tell him nicely when he first came in, and my worker also repeated this later on, that this girl has been making my life a living hell for a month, threatening and trying to blackmail my mom and I. While she's doing and selling drugs and God only knows what other illegal activities... to top it off she says we owe her 35 hours, which we don't. But my mom sent her a check for it anyway just to get her to go the fuck away, and of course now she is claiming she never got it but I saw my mom mail it. So yeah, I had enough, snapped, and tried to play a stupid joke on her. But fuck, you would too if somebody was torturing you and your mother like that! But yeah, asshole cop thought he was smarter and superior to me by saying "Oh how did you know people are calling and texting her I never said that." Um because I use Craigslist all the fucking time to sell shit and hire workers and find hookers like bitchface to help me. Just kidding mom, I promise I've never hired a hooker on Craigslist. So yeah, that was when I said, and I believe this is word for word as I remember it, "I'm smart, I have two college degrees, and I'm not playin' these games where you think you can outsmart and intimidate me. Plus I know a lot of lawyers, so either you're going to arrest me right now or get out of my house". And they knew there was nothing they could do because they did leave my house immediately once I told them too. They had no warrant or evidence to stay and look around. I know my rights damn it... thanks to all the hippies I hung out with during my years at Southern. The only thing I felt bad for was my worker taking the fall for my shit. So honestly, no I won't be doing that again. But for the record I am NOT sorry, if I could write it myself, and do it all over again by myself, I would. The only thing I'm sorry for is that I can't keep doing things to piss her off other than write about her on here.

Honestly I'm a little curious as to how it would've worked if they did try to arrest me. I mean, they can't put my fat cripple ass in the back of a cop car. They damn sure wouldn't have 24/7 workers in the prison to take care of me, and if something happened to me during transport or while in there they would be liable. On top of that, I don't think they would be chopping up my pills and giving me my medication while I was in there. Fuck on second thought maybe I should've let them arrest me, I could've won a huge lawsuit. I only reach for the highest goals.

Anyway, if you would like to see me perform and tell this story in person, because it's definitely going in my comedy routines, here's a few of my upcoming shows:
March 1st Anna Liffey's Open Mic, I'm probably going there to meet a friend but its free to get in so come see me.
March 8th New Haven Show at 5pm, also free to get in, and I think it's finally happening this time.
March 14th Hartford Funnybone Open Mic
March 17th Pawactuck VFW at 7pm, free to get in and it's a Friday night so no excuses!
March 21st Dante's in Stratford, I win money if I come in first or second, and the audience vote is 25% of the score. It's free to get in you just have to buy some good food and drinks and support my hairy cripple ass. Please, I've gone through a lot as you can see. I need this!

Check out this hot flyer I'm in... I look as miserable as one of my former workers looked in all her pictures! Everybody else is on stage, looking happy doing comedy, and there's ole' me chillaxin' in my dining room! One of these things is not like the other.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

You can't fix crazy

Sadly I wish I could to get certain people out of my life. But at least it's inspiration for my shirt/stand-up comedian career. You should buy this shirt and help me prevent people herpes. Picture below. Buy one at right here

People herpes...people that you think are out of your life but always find a way to pop back up. I thought crazy pot smoking bitch was out of my life but today she decided to reappear in a massive way. I should have known that she was going to she just reemerged like the creature from the black lagoon from Florida late Sunday/ early Monday morning. Apparently I owe her money for 3 nights she worked (but really didn't). Luckily my mom is smart enough to known this and asked me before ignoring her texts. Did I mention the Cheshire police department specifically told her not to contact me or any of my family members and she did anyways, wheels crossed she gets arrested because that will make me piss my pants laughing. Luckily for her the cop that is in charge of our case is on vacation this week. But I know she still has her minions reading this so I just wanted to say hi, to all you crazy bitches. Legit crazy, chick did time in the psych hospital but what do you expect when your dad is schizo and your mom can never leave the house without having an anxiety attack. I'm starting to see why this chick had no chance of not being crazy. Since I don't actually owe her shit, all I can figure is she blew all her money in Florida on drugs and god only knows what else, so she figured she'd hit my mom up for money one more time. My mom won't even give me $20 to get my hair cut, you think she is going to pay you for 35 hours at 13.50 an hour? Perhaps you should check back into that psych hospital.

But then it gets better today. One of my former workers, who ironically is on vacation in Florida right now, asked me when I was going to send her her last check because she hasn't been working for me for a month and still hadn't received it. When I asked my mom, she said the girl had already cashed it. But the girl insisted she hadn't and unlike most of the workers I hire she's pretty normal and trustworthy so I believe her, so I told my mom to call the bank. When she did, apparently somebody named Chris Cammalletti or something similar to that had endorsed it to himself from the girl who was supposed to get the check. Ironically it was cashed yesterday the same day that crazy bitch returned from her Florida vacation. Crazy bitch and this worker also have similar names and as I'll show with the pictures below it looks like a retarded kindergartner signed the check and crazy bitch never graduated high school. Also here is a real signature of the girl that was supposed to get this check and as you can see it looks nothing like her real signature.

My guess is crazy bitch somehow got a hold of this check and probably gave it to a drug dealer she owed money to! Because sure enough when my mom looked up the Chris name it goes back to some guy from Waterbury that's been arrested on a bunch of charges in the past one of them being drug distribution. Shocker and one hell of a coincidence if crazy bitch wasn't involved. But then again Donald Trump became president so then again I guess anything is possible. 

In happier news as you can see at the end of this paragraph just like most other things in life I also suck at bowling now. There was a time I was usually good! What? I always joke I'm a 60 year old man trapped in a 31 year old body. Plus my dad ran a bowling league for disabled kids for ten years so I used to be good, my high score is a 172. And the highest possible score is 300 for those of you not cool enough to know. I'm not sure why the lady working printed it out for us but I'm pretty sure it's because she thought I was MR (mentally retarded)....I mean I know there's a group home that goes bowling every Tuesday night there, and as much as I'm most likely ending up living in one of them I don't actually yet.

Finally it is $200 to rent the hall on May 13th for that show I want to put on in Cheshire. So if I sell tickets at $10 I need to sell at least 20, probably more after renting a mic and speakers to at least break even haha! Most likely I will go for it, I just need the $200 for the rental hall when I go to reserve it, which I don't presently have. Hopefully I will come up with it before that day. Here is a reminder of the upcoming sit-down comedy shows I have;

Tomorrow - 520 whalley avenue in New Haven from 5 pm-7pm and it's free and early so you should come see me! 
Thursday 2-9 and 2-23 (weather permitting) Comix Mohegan Sun at 10 pm and tickets are only $10! 
March 17th Pawactuck VFW in Pawactuck CT at 7 pm and it's free so you assholes better come see me because it's also on Friday night so you have no excuse not too!
March 21st at 7 pm at Dante's Restaurant and Bar in Stratford CT free to get in just have to buy food and drink so please come see me, the food is not even that expensive there!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

I liiiiike it, yes I do, I dooooo

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was preforming for a church group, and here's your fuckin' bus driver!
Watch this video, it may be the greatest comedian/comedic performance that you'll ever see.

 I've only been doing Comedy for six months, but this guy has been at it for eight years. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that I do the same shows as him...but I hope if I'm still rollin' around this earth in eight years, to be slightly near as talented as he is. Because let's be honest... nobody can top that. Also, I know what you're thinking and sorry ladies, he's married. But he'll happily give you one of his business cards after one of his performances. They're probably going to be worth thousands one day, so I suggest you grab one now. I have the honor and privilege of performing with him again at Comix Mohegan on February 23rd. To say I can't wait would be an understatement. Sure, he won't accept my friend request on Facebook, but he did accept one of my workers, coming from someone that hilarious and talented, I guess that's the best I can hope for.

I'm thinking of putting on a show in Cheshire if I can rent the hall I want to perform in for cheap enough and get the right equipment. Yeah, I'm tired of performing for free, or even better, trying to make people pay for tickets to shows that I'm not even getting paid to perform at. As great as that five minutes of stage time is, and I know it's the only way I would've gotten to perform the Hartford FunnyBone and Comix Mohegan Sun. I'm not talking shit, I don't mind doing shows like that, it's good exposure. And I know that's how you have to work your way into getting paid shows, but I'm gonna try doing it myself, just to see how it goes. Don't worry, Ed Seward will be invited to perform at my showcase, and I can only hope he will say yes. If not, I'll cry harder than when Clay Aiken lost American Idol...just typing that brought a tear to my eye. It's not fair damnit! America wasn't ready for such a beautiful soul. I mean it was only 2003, but now we have a reality show host as a President. I say let's make Clay Aiken great again. Sorry this paragraph went sideways real fast. New shirt idea? I think so!

So I know I've pissed a lot of people off over the years asking for money for a lot of things, but this one even out does me.... Yes a lot of people bitched at me for raising money to go to Vegas for my 30th Birthday(all my other gofundme's were jokes except for wanting a new van, if you had to ride around in that piece of shit you'd understand). But anyway, this pornstar on the snap chat, because I'm a very classy dude, tried to start a gofundme to get a new pair of tits... I shit you not! The best part is she already has massively fake ones, much to her dismay and perverts across the world, it got shutdown. Who would have thought Gofundme has a line, and that someone found out what it is and crossed it. But did this stop this bitch? Hell no! She tried to go to a different crowdfunding website to get her newer faker tits. The fucked up part is there are so many desperate perverted guys out there, that somehow think by donating to this they have a chance with this bitch, who never leaves the West Coast... she's afraid of flying, yeah.. I know way too much about her life! So I'm guessing she will eventually get the money for her fake tits. But I'm an asshole for wanting a new wheelchair ramp van when my current one breaks down all the time, is 12 years old and has more problems than Muslims trying to enter this country, all because I tried to do two Gofundme's in two years. Perverted asshole? You bet I am. But I don't make a living showing my asshole on camera, literally. And did I mention this chick is a mom and is trying to get more donations by promising donors of $20 of more free pictures and $100 or more free videos. Um hello, just go on pornhub or google her name, there are tons of FREE pictures and videos of her all over the internet. Her son is going to be so proud of her when he is old enough to realize mommy is a paid whore. I call it the ex wife's or Cynthia's future around 2025! And the grossest part is, she lets these perverts buy and send things that she then gives to her son to play with. Why don't you just ask Chester the Molester to come violate you and your child in California. Good God, I hate people. I swear to God, when I go to Florida, BECAUSE I'M FUCKING GOING TO FLORIDA, I'm finding a nice crip home and never coming back! Yeah, I'll probably die from mistreatment there, but at least I'll be living where I'm happy. Below is the hoe:

Finally, if you ever want a reason for why certain people should be sterilized, watch the documentary "Stevie" on Netflix. I don't even know where to begin with this train wreck, it's two hours long and I wish it was even longer. The filmmaker was a big brother to Stevie in the early 1980's, and then after 10 years of not speaking to him, he goes to see what ever happened to him. Stevie grew up in rural Illinois, but it's so back ass that it might as well be the town in the movie Deliverance. Time has not been kind to Stevie, he lives in a trailer next to his grandma and sister's trailers, has been in and out of jail and the foster care system, and is currently unemployed collecting social security because he's so fucked up in the head he qualifies for disability. Also, his sister was married at 16 and has it the most together sadly that she's the one taking care of Stevie now. The movie is shot from 1993-1999, and ends after Stevie gets sentenced to 10 years in prison for molesting his eight year old cousin, are any of you surprised by that outcome?The movie sort of made me feel sorry for him because the way his life went, there was no other ending for him. But he is still a disgusting creep in my opinion and throughout the movie dates a mentally disabled girl. Sure Stevie is most definitely slow, but he's not mentally disabled and part of me thinks he likes dating her just because it's like being with a child. But yeah, anyway, the movie ends with Stevie getting his 10 year jail sentence, the filmmaker not sure if he's going to keep talking to Stevie and his family, and Stevie misbehaving in jail so he probably won't get out early for good behavior. Worst of all, his female mullet wearing sister sold all the trailers after he went to jail. She thinks she's livin' the high life now that ole' Stevie is behind bars. But even if he didn't get out early, he still would have gotten out in 2009, without any more offenses haha thats funny, because that definitely didn't happen. But seriously is there a sequel to this documentary? Is Stevie still even alive? Did him and his girlfriend live unhappily ever after? Did his female mullet sister find a new trailer park to live in? I need to know damnit!

Upcoming shows:
2/7 Hartford Funnybone Open Mic- free to get in so you better come out and support me damnit!
2/9 and 2/23 at Comix Mohegan Sun @ 10pm, tickets are $10 and both shows have great line ups!
3/17 Pawcatuck CT, free to get in and it's a Friday night and I need 4 people to come out and support me
3/21 Dante's Stratford CT, free to get in but need to bring 4 people and I'm competing in a contest that night so I really need your support!