Sunday, September 3, 2017

I'm Feeling 32

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So yeah it was just recently my birthday, so I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 32… Take that doctors who said I wouldn’t live till 3. This is a fucked up joke, but I haven’t done any comedy shows lately so I’ll try it out on here. Sometimes I secretly wonder when somebody I grew up with passes away and other people see me still posting on social media if they are surprised I’m still alive and kicking. I mean I get it, I’m kind of an asshole and a dick, and I hate probably 98% of the people I have encountered in my life. But whatever, I’m still rolling so I guess I’m here for a reason.  But despite hiring what I thought would be better people to work for me… yeah it just seems to be getting worse! 

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Hire the fat unattractive girl they said, she will be a good worker because she has a kid and is more responsible they said. Well, in the words of Paul Hayman, “OH NO NO NO.” Not only did she show up to work only when she felt like it, but she was a pathological liar and stole $350 from me. Unfortunately, I did not realize this until I recently went to purchase something and more money was missing than I realized. However, it gets better because not only can the cop who came here not arrest her for anything because they technically paid me the $150 I thought they only had originally stole, but he can’t even get a hold of the fat bitch or her mom. To try and get my money back by seeing if they have a soul, but considering they stole money from a cripple, I would say probably not going to happen. They told me I could sue them in small claims court, but after the bullshit I went through with Vinny Beedle and the $100 it costs just to file a claim; it’s not even worth it. So guess who gets it up the ass again… This Cripple!!

Speaking of fat delusional idiots... yes I’m referring to Vinny Beedle, the night  before my birthday, I found two more people who think they can lie, cheat, and steal their way through life because they’re too cracked out and lazy  to make an honest living.  Yeah Vinny you fat piece of shit go ahead and sue me for slandering the character you don’t have! I blocked you on social media because I got tired of you asking me to do your crappy shows in NYC at noon, the day of when the show was at 5, and you wanted me to bring 5 people to pay $20 a ticket. Also suing for libel and slander it’s something famous people do when news outlets purposely report false information about them. Despite what your mom thinks and what your dad told you before he went to buy cigarettes and never came back home, you’re not famous, you never will be famous, and you’re about as funny as somebody sharting in their pants! 

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This leads me to Saturday night when I received this text message from a former worker. 

Yes, I could be an asshole and say and write a lot of mean things to the people that work for me. But this was so out of nowhere that at first I thought she was fucking with me because it was almost my birthday. I mean this bitch had a Britney meltdown like 2008… I was half waiting for her to come here with a shaved head and an umbrella to attack my minivan. I was going to film it and sell it to stringer. Seriously this bitch needed to be strapped down and taken away in an ambulance for “exhaustion” like Britney was. Hire this one they said, “You were friends with her husband growing up.” They said. She’s unattractive and a mom of 4… “She’s responsible, “they said… But in the words of Paul Hayman, “OH NO NO NO.” So here’s the story since I know they’re talking shit about me on social media anyways. Keep in mind this story was told to me by the crazy bitch herself. A couple weeks ago when she was supposedly in the bathroom and her husband was supposedly watching videos on YouTube… AKA she was taking a leak because she drank  too much (seriously she reeks like booze half the time she was here and texted me twice accidentally instead of her husband to ask what I wanted from the package store) and her husband was probably whacking it to porn on the computer. Their 2 year old child got out of the house and was playing in the middle of the road that they live on which is a busy street in my town. After two cars almost hit him, they called 911 and the police came pounding on the door to ask why they weren’t aware that their two year old was playing in the middle of the road? Why did neither one of them nor their other three children notice this went on for several minutes, I don’t know. I thank god everyday that I’m not a parent, and I know it is difficult raising kids but how the fuck did that happen? Now because their shitty, irresponsible parents, and they were saying fucked up shit to me in a group text with all of my other workers to prove it, yes I said the following, yes I’m a dick and an asshole, but no I’m not denying it… I said too bad your kid didn’t get hit by those cars! Why? Because maybe it would have taught them to stop being shitty, selfish, alcoholic parents, and teach them how-to take better care of their children. I mean it cut deep because the husband started Facebook messaging me saying he was going to come over and the wife was still texting my other workers up to three hours later saying ,”How could you work for him and support him, he’s so mean?!” 

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Looking back on it after 24 hours, I think it was just an elaborate setup. Justin Perrucci is the same piece of shit I grew up with 20 years ago, and this is what I get for giving him and his crazy bitch of a wife a second chance. You see, they both are recovering addicts with long criminal histories. Here is his mug shot and a link to the article where he got arrested for breaking and entering.  

 He was so stupid that the guy’s apartment he was trying to break into was home at the time… And this is why I didn’t talk to or attempt to make friends with everybody I grew up with and this is why I didn’t talk to you after your loser ass got sent to live with your grandparents in another town. Christ, even the stoner / Goth kids he used to hang out with have mostly changed their life for the better. The only reason why I can’t find Jen’s mug shot and the rest of her arrest record is because I don’t know her first husbands last name or her maiden name. Of course white trash like that has been married multiple times with multiple fathers of her children. She also posts nice things like this supporting Nazis on Twitter. 
Jennifer Perrucci @Jenerrucci22 Jun 27

But I would consider a Nazi less open-minded and evil, yet it's still education. Throwing around the word "educated" means nothing.

Also that twitter picture has got to be at least 5 years old because sweetheart you don’t look anything like that anymore. But yeah, Justin got fired from his job for crashing the car all because he was probably drunk and having Lyme disease allegedly. Jesus these people have more excuses then the ex wife does to go to the doctor. But yeah basically they are threatening to have me arrested because I threatened their four children. Let’s get it straight, I said, “Too bad the one didn’t get hit by those cars because it might have taught you a lesson!” And even though the Cheshire Police had no record of them contacting the Cheshire police and the cop told me I can’t be arrested unless I said I was going to go to their house and hurt or kill someone.

This leads me to my second theory of them supposedly contacting their lawyer because of what I said. I think he just wanted his wife to work for me for a while, come up with a bullshit reason to quit and then try to sue me for some easy money. Here’s the problem with that you stupid stupid stupid pieces of white trash, yes I live in Cheshire. Yes my mom makes a decent amount of money to pay people for 24/7 care... BUT I have a huge gambling problem which left me with $20,000 in debt and I have little money and 0 assets in my name purposely so I can get social security benefits, state insurance, and hours to pay my workers during the day through the state. Even if something happens to my mom, my funds and assets go into a trust fund run by my sister, so I can keep my benefits. You see that’s what happens when my accountant mother and I know how to watch out for white trash, crack head scammers, like you two! But hey, supposedly they were getting a divorce before I publicly reunited them with their hatred of me. I think I thought of a new reality show… The Cripple White Trash Marriage Counselor, and with the thought of that I leave you with this… Don’t let yourself rot and decay. Get yourself tested for AIDS so you don’t go away!

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