Friday, February 19, 2016

Welcome to the world of cripples

This is my first blog post in several years. First, some shit you want to know about me. I am 30 which is a God damn miracle according to some doctors. I live in Ct, probably the shittiest state in the US because you freeze your balls off 75% of the year. I am $10,000 in credit card debt because of my serious gambling problem, and I am currently unemployed. If that was not funny enough for you, some higher power decided to take my dad away from me when I was 25 along with my cousin and grandpa. Therefore, it is just me and my mom stuck in a house together. Yep I still live with my mom in this hell hole of a state and hate every second of it. I say I will moving to Florida or North Caroline if the work wife would allow it in 2018/19, but lets face it I will probably still be sitting here writing this piece of shit and sleeping in the same bed that I have had since 1999. Oh yea, I forgot I have a type of Muscular Dystrophy called Spinal Muscular Atrophy that  requires me to hire PCA's to take care of me 24/7. That's where all the craziness usually comes from. I am also a huge sarcastic asshole that tends to say whatever I am thinking which pisses a lot of people off. However, because I am so fucking hilarious and good looking that everyone who works for me secretly loves me and their job. This is a typical day in my life...

Yesterday, I was awoken at 8:30 in the morning which is ungodly in my life because I live like Bill Compton. Stay up until 2/3am and sleep until about noon, the joys of collecting disability. So after being awoken by the night time PCA I was informed that the girl that was supposed to be working the day shift had not shown up. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I had fought with her a few days before and had mentioned that the only reason so many creepy men like and message her on facebook is because she is always posting photos with her fake double D tits hanging out or perhaps not. Luckily, the over night girl was able to stay until I could find an emergency replacement. I was especially grateful because she had puked twice the night before thanks from a stomachbug from her son and husband... this is why i hate children luckily my crippled ass did not get it. But I will get back to this later.

Now the girl that came in to replace big boobs McGee, just had major foot surgery in November. Well I appreciate her greatly I have to shit on her for being a cripple like me. When she gets her I look out my window and what do I see but the one foot wonder knee bent on a scooter, cripple foot in a walking boot wheeling up my driveway. I will provide a picture of the cripple scooter with this post. Luckily, somehow we two cripples survived until the work wife came.

Next thing I know however, the work wife goes into my bathroom and I hear her yell, "DID SOMEONE PUKE IN HERE!!!!!!" Sure enough the overnight girl had puked twice in my bathroom and got it all over my toilet and did not clean it! I felt horrible but luckily the work wife cleaned and did not puke herself. Especially since by the time we discovered it, it was hard and crusty. YUMMMM.

After that fun stressful day, I decided to do some online gambling. Sure enough I lost that money faster then Charlie Sheen relapsing out of rehab. Him and I have the same birthday you know? Isnt that something to be proud of?

 That was really all the craziness for that day. The only thing interesting that happened after that was the next overnight girl coming in (she might be on the spectrum but they never diagnosed her) her favorite thing to do is ask questions or listen to my stories while staring at me and not saying anything after. Its not awkward or anything! Finally, I just want to add that yes, I am aware I will piss many people off while writing this. But hey, if you had to work with the people I do this would be the healthiest way to get out your anger out too... Either that or starting a cult.

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