How you doin world? It's 2:30am and I'm a weirdo writing this. So I was watching Lockup on MSNBC ... cause ya know that's what normal people do at 1:30am in the morning. What? It makes me feel better about my own life. But I did learn something interesting, apparently if I go to prison in a certain county in Oklahoma I get my own special cell. Not kidding this guy was in a hallway full of cells after he got the crap beat out of him and every cell door had a handicapped symbol on them. What is going on in Oklahoma that so many of my people are getting arrested? Sure? I figured I will probably end up in one one day but I thought maybe I would just get house arrest because they would have no where to put me or take care of me, but now I know I'm wrong. Good thing I stopped gambling as much, but instead I started writing letters to famous prisoners.
Speaking of I got a response from Pamela Smart. She is currently serving a life sentence at a prison in upstate New York. Why? Because when she was a teacher at a high school in the early 90's she had an affair with one of her students and then got him and his friends to kill her husband. Hey I don't blame the guy she was fucking hot in her day. Where were these teachers when I was 17? Just kidding, or am I? The only part I think is messed up is the guys who actually took the gun, went in the house and shot her husband already got out of prison while she is serving life without parole. I mean there is a slight difference between her and Charles Manson ... don't worry I wrote him too. And I even put a batman stamp on his letter so it will stand out. Wheels crossed I get a response from Crazy Charlie. The other ones I wrote to were the guy who killed John Lennon, the Son Of Sam killer and ya know some guy as a kid that bashed another kids head in with a rock. All he sent me was a Jesus pamphlet... that is a bit Ironic cause I'm sure he is going straight to Hell. This is why I don't get religion a kid bashes another kid's head in with a rock and sodomizes him with a tree branch but because he told God he is sorry all is forgiven and now he can go to Heaven? Yeah not that I think much happens after we kick it, but if it does don't think saying I'm Sorry is going to get God to forgive all that at least not what I was taught growing up. It's more like I know I ruined this life so if there is an after life hopefully somehow I can redeem myself there. It's like drunks, and addicts when they give up their addiction just to become addicted to religion ... I'm looking at you Jesse Morrell. This kid and yes in my opinion he is just a kid, even though he has a wife and unfortunately children, was the biggest drug addict/jail bird I knew growing up. He did not even finish high school with my class like he was supposed to because of all his problems. Now he goes around to college campuses all over the US preaching his word and only his interpretation of the Bible. First of all, you are 30 stop going to colleges and trying to bang co-eds creep. Second of all, he literally believes you are pretty much going to Hell if you listen to Rap music, smoke weed, are not submissive to your husband, watch any current TV show or movie and if you have any type of sex ever. So you are telling me Mr. Morrell that you have only had sex 3 times in your life because you have 3 children. Again I knew you when we were kids, you were doing a lot more than just having premarital sex. It's okay though you get your ass kicked about once a month now because of all the crazy bullshit you say to purposely piss people off, while somehow justifying it with the Bible and wondering why you got attacked. Who knows, maybe you're on one of those crazy people who gets off on getting their ass kicked! Either that or since you don't get high anymore but are still unhappy with your life you get your high by making everyone feel just as miserable as you do. I really hope you read this I'd love to see your crazy ass response to it!
Finally there is Gimpy who is just sad once again. Somehow, she got hand, foot and mouth disease from her cousin's baby. I thought it was hoove and mouth disease and only affected cows. Also, it usually only affects small children, but somehow she still managed to get it. Gross picture at the end. She claims she got it from her cousin's baby but after looking it up me thinks she got it from taking a big old poo and not washing her hands after. Look it up, just like Pink Eye. This is one of the causes. Best part is you can have it for 3-7 days without showing any symptoms. And guess who saw her within the last week? This crip... WTF MAN! If I get some creepy cow disease from shit hands I'm gonna run over the one good foot she has left, because oh yeah I forgot to mention it's highly contagious! Poor Gimpy, tries to lose a foot by going 80 miles an hour into the back of a parked van in a go-cart, then after her 7,638 surgery she gets a chemical burn all over her body from the pool at the rehab hospital and now this shit. I thought I might have been Hitler in a past life cause of all the shit I have gone through, well maybe it was Gimpy. Either that or she was Hitler's wife. Eww I don't wanna be married to Gimpy past life or present. Good night America before the female version of Charles Manson tries to kill me for staying up all night.
Gimpy's herpes and my response:
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