Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Yeah so I am really scared for the future of our society. Especially when most of these people that work for me are going to work/ already work in the medical field. Perfect example one of my former workers never knew when Thanksgiving was, always picked her nose and didn't wash her hands after she used the bathroom. This girl now works as a nurse in a nursing home...poor old people. Even scarier, she is having a baby soon. Dear God, please wash your hands after you pick your nose and take a your baby doesn't get MRSA.

Than there is the new girl who also works at a nursing home, but can't figure out how to make a blender work. I legit sat there for 10 minutes last night trying to explain how to do it, but she insisted it wasn't working so I said fuck it and used the old one I saved from the garbage and hid from my mom. Of course, what happened this morning the blender worked perfectly fine. So being the dick I am I sent her a video to show her how it worked.

Yes, the wife is the one who figured out how it worked. Let's just say in our fucked up relationship she is the beauty and I am the smart one. Love that girl to death but today she dropped a bottle of shampoo on my foot, left a bar of soap sitting on the floor of my shower and dropped the blender top on the kitchen floor to break it even more than it already was thanks to numerous droppings by several workers. And than there is the shower. Whoever has the unfortunate duty of giving me a shower the day before never seems to remember to throw the wash cloth in the hamper after i'm done. Said wash cloth than sits in shower for about 24 hours with water, body wash and soap residue ..yum! The main 3 girls who do this, one wants to be an occupational therapist, one is a mom and the last one wants to work with the mentally disabled. Dear god I hope they do a better job picking up at their permanent job/ their own house than they do here. Also, garbage is rarely taken out, dishes are always left over flowing next to the sink, food stains are all over the counter tops and blender and the sink in the kitchen generally looks like someone threw up in it. Why is this you ask? Because 75% of the people who work for me won't clean anything, restock anything or pick up anything unless I ask. Also, even though they lay out my medication every week most of them won't tell me when I am about out of one of my pills until I go to take it and it's no longer there. I than ask them to refill it and 90% of the time the answer I get is how. Jesus H Christ! Or another good example 2 of the girls last week asked me what to do because I didn't have any of my cups cleaned to drink out of. Um here is an easy idea see how they are all stacked in the dish rack next to the sink. Take them out of the dish rack, put them in the dish washer, grab detergent from under the sink and press start. I can't move my arms and even I know how to do this. But instead, the first girl just hand washed one cup and purposely never filled/ started the dish washer. So I had to have the second girl who was confused by dirty cups run the dish washer. My mom was so shocked that someone did this she asked who it was when she got home from work. My final bitching moment comes from last night when I made a frozen pizza for dinner and asked the girl working to chop the whole thing up in the blender and give me half and safe the other half for today. Sure enough what was waiting for me for lunch today? Unchopped half a pizza. You would be an angry prick to if you had to deal with this all the time. \

Oh yeah donate to my kickstarter, $990 to go by April 20th..donations of $5 or more get a free big mac and donations of $25 or more get a free shirt from my funny t-shirt business. No risk involved because if I don't hit my goal you get your money back and after writing all this I don't think anyone who works for me will be donating. Except for a 12 year old creepy candian who is jealous of how cool I am but might be the only non MR person working for me.

Kickstarter link is right here:

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