Saturday, March 26, 2016

People are annoying. Like really fucking annoying. I like to keep things 100 % truthful on here so I will try my best without pissing off too many people. I just can't stand what hypocrites people are. I'm going to be up all night pissed off for stupid people doing stupid shit. And it shouldn't bother me but it will. First, I thought I was all good with someone and then it turns out they still have sand in their man-gina. If you're really that upset with me then just tell me to my face. Don't come over here 2 days before you go on vacation and act like everything is cool. Then when you get back you ignore all my texts and are still clearly mad about something that happened a month ago but can't face me to talk about it. However, I'm sure you will still stalk me; and want all the latest gossip from stalking me on social media. That's fine, if your life is that boring that all you have to look forward to is checking out the adventures of my life. I'm sorry I couldn't fit into your Messiah complex. And didn't worship you enough to kiss your ass and have you stick around to help me. But hey at least you did, some people pretend their all about wanting to help me but either they really don't show up, complain the whole time they're here or pretend they want me to hire them and then never show up to start.

It's really fucking annoying when people don't show up. I hate hiring new people as it is, but if I actually do want to hire you consider it a miracle. I'm picky about who I hire cause ya know I'm stuck by myself with them for 20-30 hours a week, and if I think they are annoying that sucks for me. Plus, it's started all over again you literally have to talk them through every little task that I need them to do. Yeah, I know I'm difficult, and I know I'm a dick to work for but I try to be as nice and helpful as possible to those that do because I know they deal with a lot of shit from me. But lately I feel like I am losing workers faster than the Titanic lost passengers. Big Boobs MeGee comes to work whenever she feels like it and then wonders why I tell her I'm all set. Maybe because I'm so used to you not being here that I always have your shifts covered. Then there is the student OT that comes about 12 hours a week and if is ever more than that I feel like I won the Powerball because that is the odds of her working extra. Gimpy does work a lot despite complaining about it, but can only be here at certain times right now, because of her surgery. The Mom practically lives with me so I feel bad for her husband and son. She's like the only one who ever really wants to work. So of course I am going to have her here a lot, awkward turtle works a lot for me too but ya know I'm a jerk there is only so much staring and awkwardness I can take before she drives me insane. Plus, she's graduating soon so I don't think she will be helping me much longer. So yeah I'm losing all these people and not really finding anyone good to replace them, or if they are good they either don't show up or aren't really available enough to help me.

Plus, I am pretty sure the Wife might have quit for good tonight. Does that make her the Ex Wife? Are we going to have to share custody of Flappy and Miley? I guess she can have them every other weekend. No child Support. I'm too poor for that. It just sucks because I actually did love her and care about her even though we drove each other insane. You know it's bad when my fat ass doesn't feel like eating dinner because it bothers me so much. I even took a nap for a while today, and I never do that mostly because I stay up til 2 am and sleep til noon.  She was the first girl  I truly loved. So right now it feels like I got kicked in the gut by Bruce Lee. And can barely breathe, which might be true anyways because my lungs suck. But it's still sucks this happened right before Easter so I have to go see my Mom's family tomorrow and pretend I'm happy when I'm not. I know I will get over it eventually it just doesn't feel like it right now.

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